Monday, June 30, 2008

How To Make Your Ex Lust After You In 5 Easy Steps

How To Make Your Ex Lust After You In 5 Easy Steps
By Joshua Spiegelberg

Do you want your ex to lust after you? With these quick and easy tips you'll have her begging to take her back. It's based on the simple but very true premise that women want what they can't have. Follow my advice and she will go crazy for you.

Firstly it is absolutely adamant that you start dating again. As soon she sees you with a new woman her attitude is going to change instantly. She will compare herself to your new girl and she will start to feel jealous. Seeing the two of you together will remind her of all the good times you had and she will start reminiscing.

Secondly, get a makeover. It doesn't have to be anything drastic, but just enough to make you look new, fresh and interesting. Go to the gym, built some muscles, buy some new clothes, get a haircut. This way you'll look more attractive, you'll feel more attractive and you'll ooze confidence. Your ex is bound to notice.

Thirdly, don't be her 'friend'. Make yourself scarce. Women often find it hard to let go, even if they are one ones who ended the relationship. They will want to talk on the phone, meet up for coffees.. She might even start talking to you about her new man. Don't be that guy. Make yourself instantly more desirable by being less available to her.

Fourthly, move on with your life. She will want to see you moping about, missing her and feeling sorry for yourself. Don't give her the satisfaction. Go out, surround yourself with friends and have fun. When she sees you moving on so quickly she will begin to doubt her reasons for breaking up with you in the first place.

And lastly, change your life. Improve yourself for the better. If she said you were not cultured enough, go to the theatre or read some books, if she said you never worked out, go to the gym. Not only will she be totally turned on by the new you but you will also feel better about yourself and she will pick up on this newfound confidence.

Follow these easy steps and she'll come lusting after you and begging to jump into your bed. Losing something then seeing it improved has a potent effect on people.

Want to get your ex back? Getting her back is easy if you know what you're doing. For more tips on how to pick up or get back really hot women visit

I don't quite know how it happened, but it did. I was 21 and I was still a virgin. It's not like I used to be a total geek, or some kind of school reject or anything. It just never quite happened. I always ended up as the 'ah but I don't want it to ruin our friendship' guy. I had tons of female friends but they were all exactly that. Friends. Nothing more. By the time I was 21 I felt like my balls were about to explode and I thought I was going crazy. Some of my female friends were really hot too.

This is when I decided something had to change. I was clearly doing something wrong. I discovered the Guy Gets Girl System by random, just by looking for dating tips on Google. I cannot believe what a difference it has made to my life, to my whole outlook. I learned how to approach women, how to say all the right things so that they are putty in my hands. I slept with about 20 girls in the first month. Honestly! I now have a wonderful girlfriend, but this doesn't mean that everything I've learnt has gone to waste because 1. I would never ever have got a girl as hot at Claire and 2. the Guy Gets Girl System teaches you how to keep your woman, not just how to get her. It's absolutely changed my life and I fully recommend it to any guy out there who, like I used to, struggles to get women interested in them. It's a game, it's all pshychological. The tools you need are there. Just access them.

Find out more about the Guy Gets Girl System at

Article Source:

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Romantic Ideas For Your Love Ones

Folks, here are some romantic ideas I came across upon today while researching for something. I thought it will offer you and your love ones some great help!

  • If your partner is going away for a few days, tell her that you are worried about her so you have organized a bodyguard to look after her. Then give her a small teddy bear.

  • Buy a packet of glow in the dark stars and stick the stars on the roof above your bed to spell out a message such as "I Love You" When the lights go down, your message will be revealed!

  • Buy the domain name of your partner's name if it is available for example Create a web page containing a romantic poem and a picture of a rose. When your partner is surfing the web, casually ask whether she has ever checked to see whether her domain name is taken. Let her type it in to discover her page.

  • Buy a stylish hand mirror and give it to your partner as a gift. Include a card in the box saying

    “In this mirror you will see the image of
    the most beautiful woman in the world.”

  • Have flowers delivered to your partner's workplace. She will not only enjoy the flowers but will also receive comments and attention from her office mates which will add to her enjoyment.

  • If your partner has a pet that she adores, at Christmas, in addition to buying a gift for your partner, buy a small present for her pet.

  • If you play a musical instrument, create a romantic environment in which to play for your partner. For example, let's say you play the saxophone. Contact your partner's roommate and arrange for her to make sure that your partner steps out onto the balcony of their apartment at exactly 9.30pm.

    Drive to her apartment and set up before hand. Place a large sparkler in the music holder of your sax and light it as your partner steps on to the balcony. Play something slow and romantic.

  • Hope you enjoyed!

    Monday, June 9, 2008

    7 Secrets To Win Her Love Back

    "Have you ever felt frustrated trying to win her love back, but everything seems to be out right opposite of what you predicted? Do you feel hopeless, and almost lose faith on this fading relationship that you are trying to hold back?"

    Guys, I can tell you that these things do happen, and in fact are commonly happening to most guys. One thing is that, to win her love back is NOT IMPOSSIBLE, all it takes is you gotta do it CORRECTLY.

    Today I'm going to share with you some stunning secrets you will need to first understand, before you actually make the moves to win her love back:

  • The power of Ears. Ears is the most important part of us, in fact they play a major role in our relationships as well! When women want to tell you their troubles and stories, they don't expect guys to chip in giving comments, all they need is the pair of EARS.. This includes hundreds of hours of listening to them while they talk while you, for the most part, are just attentively silent. So guys, learn to LISTEN, and just LISTEN, unless you're asked to comment.

  • People are attracted to independence and repulsed by those who seem to cling. Therefore, to avoid scaring off a potential love you must throw in a lot of apparent aloofness while trying to win them. If you think this may confuse the one you want about your real intentions, you're right. Sorry, but that's just the way it needs to be in the early stages of romance.

  • People want what they can't have. In fact, people tend to appreciate more on things they get within difficulties. Therefore, you have to hold back form giving yourself completely to the one you want at the first indications they're starting to become attracted to you. Instead of giving the dog the whole steak at once, feed it to him/her one bite at a time, over an extended period of time.

  • People's conscious decisions are subconsciously motivated. Therefore, don't be too concerned by what the one you want says they think they want, or acts like they think they want. You should act on principle and eventually they'll realize that what they really want is you.

  • People are most drawn to a person with a positive and confident self-image. Therefore, resist the temptation to spill your feelings of self-doubt. Nothing is a bigger turn-off than somebody who insists on bursting your bubble and destroying the image they want to have of you.

  • People's attitudes are really a reflection of what you think of them. Therefore, while not wearing your heart on your sleeve, you must still prove though your actions that your friendship to them is a committed one. This takes time.

  • The longer a relationship grows, the stronger it becomes. Therefore, if you mess up along the way, take comfort in the fact that tomorrow is another day, and the fact that you prove you have lasted and learned from yesterday's hardships, will in itself increase their feelings of commitment to you in the long run.

  • P/S : These tips are some of the secrets I derived from The Magic Of Making Up, an eBook from T W Jackson, he speaks a great deal on exactly how to save your relationships in all situations.


    Wednesday, June 4, 2008

    Inspirational Love Quotes

    Hey ya,

    Do you wanna spice up your love life a little? I mean, "I love you my dear" has been an everyday quote kinda thing for each of us. HEY I'm not saying that this is not good! But isn't it better if we can bring something fresh into it? Like saying "I Love You" in a different manner? So how is it done..?


    I've gathered some quite inspiring love quotes below, what you need to do next is choose one or a few of them, express it to your partner, now don't you ever feel disgusted for this, it works!! If you're still a little unsure about, here's an easy way out, write it on a small note, put somewhere that you know your partner WILL come across and eventually sees it. Cool? Yea.. enjoy fellas~

    Other men said they have seen angels,
    But I have seen thee And thou art enough.
    ~ by G. Moore

    I'd like to run away
    From you,
    But if you didn't come
    And find me...
    I would die.
    ~ by Shirley Bassey ~

    Seduce my mind and you can have my body,
    Find my soul and I'm yours forever.
    ~ by Anonymous

    I sought for Love
    But Love ran away from me.
    I sought my Soul
    But my Soul I couldn't see.
    Then I sought You,
    And I found all three.
    ~ by Unknown Author ~

    May no gift be too small to give,
    nor too simple to receive,
    which is wrapped in thoughtfulness
    and tied with love.
    ~ by L.O. Baird ~

    My heart to you is given:
    Oh, do give yours to me;
    We'll lock them up together,
    And throw away the key.
    ~ by Frederick Saunders ~

    But true love is a durable fire,
    In the mind ever burning,
    Never sick, never old, never dead,
    From itself never turning.
    ~ by Sir Walter Raleigh ~

    Sunday, June 1, 2008

    Why Buy The Magic Of Making Up?

    I'm gonna write this review of The Magic Of Making Up for you guys in case you are searching for an honest opinion on this eBook.

    The Magic Of Making Up talks about cheating techniques (don't worry, you don't have to tell lies or do something bad) to win your ex back. In this case, it focuses on something called "Human Psychological Thinking", you use this as your advantage and apply it into your strategies when planning your approaches to win your ex back.

    "But I'm already going crazy over my breakup! Don't you go talking about STRATEGIES to me, I just CAN'T FOCUS!!" Is this one of your concerns?

    You see, the author of
    The Magic Of Making Up, T W Jackson, knew this as well, and he's got all these figured out for you. The VERY FIRST STEPS he proposes, which you can watch in the video, focus on how to first adjust your feelings, so that you are able to THINK, rather than letting your emotions taking over your actions. T W Jackson eventually came out with a secret formula to help you get instant relieve within MINUTES - "The Fast Forward Technique".

    He then follow up the chapters that focus on improving your lifestyle, heathy dating with others (it's not a bad move if you know how!), discussing about what men or women REALLY WANT from each other in order to maintain a healthy relationship.

    The Magic Of Making Up is writen in a way such that it covers ALMOST ALL the possible situations you will likely to encounter during your approach to your ex. If you follow through the course you will most likely be able to predict the outcome of a conversation, or even a date, because you are IN CONTROL! (indirectly of course.. :>) "So, How do I take control INDIRECTLY??" Hmm.. I believe just this technique alone will cost you years and years of relationship experience, which you may not even realize how!

    T W Jackson also talks about the "Instant Reconnect Technique", this technique is SO POWERFUL that when you use it, your ex will unconsciously think that you are STILL TOGETHER! Don't worry it's not Voodoo, or magic.. It's just a move that you interfere with Human's normal psycological thinking, but it certainly works like MAGIC!

    One last thing that I want to mention is that,
    The Magic Of Making Up not only is applicable to those who just broke up or divorced. It basically applies to EVERYONE, even those with OK relationships should read it, "WHY?" Let me ask you this question, do you want to spend more money to cure a disease, or just a few bucks for the prevention jab? I'll leave it to you til then..

    However, as an avid relationship advisor myself, I truly found this eBook useful and infact, will sail you through your relationship life smoothly, it's all sum up into one word - UNDERSTANDING. Right now I'm going to tell you whole-heartedly --

    I don't want to make it a hype or something, but let's just see some of the testimonials that T W Jackson received from some of his 6000+ customers from 27 countries, yes I repeat, it's 6000+ customers!

    Hi T.W

    "I downloaded your ebook a week ago and my ex is coming around already,she calls me more wanting to know why I dont call her and now her parents have gone away for a week she has me sleeping by her until they return,thanks
    The Magic Of Making Up has been an inspiration and it is working.I'll send more details as things unfold ,once again thanks.."

    Why Are You Waiting?