Thursday, July 10, 2008

Tips To Winning Your Ex Back Again

"Are you broke? Does your love no longer care about you? Are you afraid of losing him/here?"

Maybe you are and that could be one of the reasons that you still broke. Listen, it may sound weird, but that's the way it has been for years. People always value more, what they can't have. And if you could understand this.. I bet you could bring your ex, right back in your arms. But because there are pitfalls waiting to hit the ground, this article will show you the most common ones and how to avoid them...

Breakup between a relation is all too easy...

The reason could be anything, but winning back your ex is way to opposite. People always fear that they don't want to lose their love of life, they know they can't live without them, and as seen, most lovers, start bombarding text message terrorism. They keep on sending messages, ringing their bells, and when they can't find any solution, they go straight to their place, and bang!! Some even decide to break the boundaries and start looking for them at colleges, schools, offices, and so I fail to understand why simply these guys can't get out of themselves and give their love some space to think..

Although I am not blamming you, cause you never had this experience before, there are no schools for winning back your ex nor can't you blame your love. It's just that every action has it's reaction, which you should understand to take control of, relax,think and plan your way into their heart or if you choose to force it.. I damn assure you, I have seen relationships break just like as if an Earth-Quake hit the ground!!

It keeps on going and you never know what you did to yourself, cause without a doubt you are closing the doors yourself, making it a BIG BIG mistake!!

So do you have a better idea?

Of course, these kinds of situation occur almost in every relationships, especially the young generation. But every problem has it's own unique solution. "Stay cool, tell yourself that you love them, and they love you as well", but there has been some misunderstanding which you are going to find before it's too late.

Now the best way to do it, is by cutting off the contact!!
And you make him live a "Do or Die" deal, you force him to live that piece of himself, he never realized was you. How he deals with that could determine the ease of getting him back. And if he comes to realize that he can live without you, you will have a little more work, but i assure it's attainable.


Just remember to do it in an appropriate fashion, it should not look like you want to get rid of them, but simply agree with them, or maybe apologize that you were wrong, we should not hurt each other anymore etc etc. You see what I am saying...

To be honest, in most cases, I see people coming back rather than breaking up..

cause then you made them miss the part of world you shared with them, they will come to a point, when they will desperately need your help, and it will be that moment when our plan starts working, you will come to realize that pushing your love, will make it go away BUT by giving them space and time, will only make them miss all those lovely moments that they once couldn't live without.


Deal, or No Deal..?

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

How to Make Him Fall for You - Advice for Women

How to Make Him Fall for You - Advice for Women
By []Gillian Reynolds

When you meet a guy and you start falling for him, it can be difficult to contain it all. We all know that uttering those three little words too soon can cause a man to bolt in the opposite direction at lightning speed. If he hasn't yet expressed that he's feeling the same emotions as you, you might wonder if there's a way to persuade him to adore you too. If you want to make him fall for you there are a few effective tactics you can use.

It's incredibly important when you want to make a man fall in love with you that you be genuine. One thing that really turns men off is a disingenuous woman. Men aren't interested in someone who puts on a show for them. Don't exaggerate anything about yourself. If he has been on exotic vacations don't pretend to have traveled extensively if you haven't. Don't give yourself a promotion to assistant vice president of the company you work for if you are the mail room clerk. If this relationship works you'll have a lot of explaining to do and he'll label you a liar. That's not something you can bounce back from.

Another great way to make him fall for you is to not alter your life to accommodate him. Many women go the extra mile when they first become attracted to a man and they rearrange their schedules to fit him in. Never change your life for a man. If you do he'll think you are easily manipulated and desperate. It's much better to continue doing everything exactly as you always did, this includes working as much as you've been, going out with friends and even taking a class. He'll find you that much more intriguing if you have your own interests.

When you want to make him fall for you, it's always a good idea to really take the time to listen to everything he says. Men love a woman who pays close attention to detail. If he talks about a big project at work, ask some general questions about it. Then bring it up again in a week or two and ask how it's going. He'll be impressed that you remembered. It's also nice to listen when he orders things like a cocktail or a coffee. In the future it's a nice gesture to drop by his place with a coffee just the way he likes. He'll love how thoughtful you are.

Specific things you say and do can make a man feel helplessly drawn to you. If you are convinced he is the one there are things you can do to ensure he only has eyes for you. For more informative tips about understanding men including a way to get him to fall deeply in love with you, visit this [ ]Helpful Site!

Article Source:

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

How To Get Your Man Back Fast?

How To Get Your Man Back..

If you're reading this post, you're most probably going through some sort of a Pain from your recent break up. Therefore, I'm here to help..


If You're Serious On It, This Is For You!

Look, I'm not trying to hard sell, I'm always more than glad to help you out in your relationships to help get your man back, but first you'll need to help yourself..


Time Is Not On Your Favor AnyMore..

However.. I can help you my dear friend...

>> Click Here To Get Your Man Back Now! <<

WARNING: Don't buy this eBook if you're not serious in Getting Your Man Back, because you'll just be wasting your money, and the efforts of the author..

Please, Do contact me at should you have any questions in your relationship, I CAN HELP YOU!!

10 Signs Your Ex Wants You Back

10 Signs Your Ex Wants You Back
By []Dan A Clark

You might have broken up but that doesn't mean your relationship is over just yet. So how do you know if they want you back?

Signs Your Ex Wants You Back

- Makes effort not just to improve him or herself but let you know they are doing their best to make themselves more attractive to you. This includes working though inner issues, improving personal appearance, getting a better job or anything to become more financially stable, committing to spiritual growth, becoming more social etc.

- If your ex wants you back, you can tell because they don't act the same with you, or there being friendlier. There starting to act the same as when he first wanted you.

- Your ex has not formed any new relationships.

- Your ex has kept the lines of communication open and reminds you that they are open.

- Your ex has told you about or invited you to situations that bring you together

- They have mentioned efforts they have made or are making to be a better person comments about what you wear and how you look

- They frequently call you

- Frequently tries to catch your attention or spark a conversation

- Follows you around

- Can't keep his eyes off you!

Now of course those are just some of the many signs your ex wants you back. Even if you have not gotten any of the signs listed above. It still might not be over. It could be too early after the breakup to have received any signs yet.

Find more []Signs Your Ex Wants Your Back!

Hope That Helps and Good Luck!

Article Source:

Ignore Your Ex Girlfriend If You Want to Get Her Back

Ignore Your Ex Girlfriend If You Want to Get Her Back
By []Gillian Reynolds

Sometimes when we are embroiled in the middle of a break up we can't see how much the other person means to us. This often happens with dating couples and by the time the dust has settled one or the other partner realizes that they've made a huge mistake. If you're a man who has come to the painful conclusion that your ex is really the woman you love, you have probably spent at least some time trying to figure out how to get a second chance with her. Calling and begging for forgiveness might seem like the logical thing to do but if you really want her back, your best move is to ignore your ex girlfriend.

This seems counterproductive. If you want to woo your girl back how are you supposed to accomplish that by not talking to her? As surprising as it seems, it actually does work. There are several reasons why it's best to ignore your ex girlfriend if you want her back and the first has to do with giving her space.

Most of us make the wrong assumption that unless we're constantly around another person they'll forget about us. The opposite is actually true. If you are always within reach, if you call your ex every day, text or email her, she's never going to have the opportunity to miss you. You need to stop contacting her so she can see that without you, there's a void in her life. No amount of talking or begging or crying can ever convince her of that. You have to show her and to do that you have to cut all contact.

Another reason why it's so important to ignore your ex girlfriend if you still love her is that you want her to start questioning your feelings. If you have made it known that you are willing to wait a lifetime to have a second chance with her, she may take you up on that offer and prolong making a decision about getting back together. In the meantime she may be out enjoying herself with friends and maybe even a new man while you are sitting at home waiting for the call from her that will bring your relationship back to life. Never put your life on hold after a break up. Instead go out and have fun. If you and your ex have mutual friends word will get back to her that you're enjoying your life. This won't sit well with her and it will instantly make her question the break up. You want this to happen, so resist every temptation to sit and wait for her. You'll accomplish much more by continuing to enjoy your life.

The things you do after your breakup will either set the stage for a reunion with your lost girlfriend or will ensure she's gone for good. Saying or doing the wrong thing can impact your future with the woman you love. Find out what you should and shouldn't be doing from this [ ]Helpful Site!

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