Friday, November 21, 2008
How Do I Know If My Ex-Boyfriend Misses Me After the Break Up?
Unfortunately, it's not so easy to tell if he really does miss you. "So, how do I know if my ex-boyfriend misses me after the break up?!" Read on to learn the signs.
1. He asks about you
You'll get to notice this easily whether or not your ex-boyfriend still misses you after the break up when he's asking your close friends, or parents about your recent happenings, have you been going out with someone else, or have you been up to something lately. They're curious to know. Look, it might be that they're just concerned about you, but guess what, it means that you're still in their mind!
2. He contacts you
This is not something 100%, but if a guy is still contacting you, it's highly probable that he's still thinking about you, and that he still misses you. So, how do I know if my ex-boyfriend misses me after the break up? Well, just stay calm, and wait for his calls, if he does, then that's good news, but if he doesn't, don't fret! Check down under my resource box for the necessary steps you can take right away to get your ex back!
3. He asks you out
If I'm a guy and I kept hinting you about how free I'd be next weekend, or how I wanted to feel the breeze air down in the lake next summer, it's probably me hinting to invite you to come along with me. So, for those that are wondering how do you know if your ex-boyfriend still misses you, this is a good sign to look out for!
I totally understand how you are feeling right now, but time is not on your side my friend..
Just to make sure you get my points that these methods had been working for me. Anyway these tactics to know if your ex-boyfriend misses you after a break up are extracted from a great book which I had reviewed in my signature below.
Wishing For You,
Jc Coll
Do you want to learn how to get an ex back, as easily done as saying it? Please read the review of the Magic Of Making Up at and find out if your ex-boyfriend still misses you after the break up!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Win Back My Ex-Boyfriend Before Christmas - Truth That Will Shock You!
Well, I'm not the Guru that charges you a heap load for advice, but as an individual I'd like to help out and share with you my experiences and how did I actually win back my ex-boyfriend before Christmas, last year. Oh it applies to girls as well!
We all know how Christmas brings joy to everybody as this particular season stands for a unique meaning of - Love, Peace, Harmony. Fore some people, it brings happiness for the family, for some people, it brings money, extra income, but for most people, studies have shown that Christmas has brought a significant improve on their "moods" and this comes from their inner-self whereby most people don't even realize that their "happy"! Fascinating? I guess so.
So, out of desperation, I somehow "leveraged" this atmosphere where everyone is in their best mood of the year, did something so simple, that some of you might've neglected, and that's what exactly jump shot my chances to make up with my ex-boyfriend, and eventually it worked so successfully, I win back my ex-boyfriend one month later after Christmas!
So, what exactly did I do to win back my ex-boyfriend before Christmas last year?
Find out more on how did I win back my ex-boyfriend before Christmas here!
Look, this method has worked for me, helped me winning back my ex-boyfriend before Christmas, but I can't promise it works for you. Anyway, it's the simplest thing that you've ever got to do and guess what? You might've been already thought of it, just that most people tend to hesitate as the fear of losing everything there's left to win back an ex-boyfriend is more than anything.
Look, if I were you, I'd probably be trying my last bits of luck onto this to at least improve my chances to get back with an ex, and I wish you do too!
Just a reminder: Christmas is around the corner, so if you're still working on ways to win back an ex-boyfriend before Christmas, this is the perfect chances!
Shocking Truths That Helped Me Save My Relationship!
It's tough because one wrong move and you'll lose the person you love forever! Often times, what feels like the right thing to do, is wrong. I know it, I've been there. And therefore this time I'm going to share with you the truths that help me save my relationship at my lowest moments.
You might not heard of the methods I used to help me save my relationship few months back, but after so many people tried and saved their relationships even what seems to be the most complicated situations, I can tell you these methods definitely stand a chance for you to read on!
Counterintuitive Technique #1
This very first method employs the agreeableness of you and your ex that both of you have broken up. I know, to agree towards a break up and accept that it's already a fact is not easy.
However, it's obvious that when a couple broke up both of them are hurt and so giving your ex some time to themselves shows that you respect them, in times they will start to miss you again. When I first tried out this method, it broke all skeptical thoughts about it because it takes effect very fast. I've personally leveraged on this to help me save my relationship, and worked perfectly well.
Counterintuitive Technique #2
The second method I used was to cut off all communications. Ok, you're probably thinking "How on Earth this will help me save my relationship, if I don't even communicate with her!" Well, hold on first because it works, and it's extreme effective!
Not only it will show your ex that you're serious about it, by not communicating at all will give ample time for your ex to miss you, and reconsider about their decisions to do so. It also sets you up for the next method to help you save your relationship!
Counterintuitive Technique #3
The next move will be to plan an event where you two can reconnect. You could bump into them "incidentally", or time it nicely so they bump into you right on time. However there are many critical steps in between you can not leave out! Read my story and discover all the counterintuitive and unconventional truth that had help me save my relationship, it probably works for you too!
I totally understand how you are feeling right now, but time is not on your side my friend.. If I were you, I'd take my first step to help me save my relationship by Clicking Here!
Just to make sure you get my points that these methods had been working for me, however it might not work for every case. Anyway these tactics to help you save your relationship are extracted from a great book which I had reviewed in my blog, make sure you read my story!
Friday, November 14, 2008
Improve Your Chances To Get Back With An Ex Before Christmas!
Improve Your Chances To Get Back With An Ex Before Christmas!
To All Readers That Want To Improve Your Chances To Get Back With An Ex, Before Christmas!
Well, it's good news anyway because Christmas's right at the corner! What's so special about this anyway? Okie, here's the catch, we all know Christmas is something "Happy", and studies have shown that the moods of majority of people are MUCH better 3 months before Christmas actually arrives!
Now, if I were you, I'd totally be leveraging this "Happy" period, maybe by doing something special, to improve my chances to get back with an ex before Christmas arrives.. Make sense?
How To Improve The Chances To Get Back With An Ex, Especially Before Christmas?
This is exactly what I've been preaching on and on, and so many people have asked me "When is the best timing to get back with an ex?" "Is there any chances to get back with an ex after 2 months of separation?" etc..
Now, to be frank, there is no such exact "Perfect timings" for this because the situations for everyone are very different, and as a matter of fact, I know of some couples get back together after almost 1 year of divorce.. That sure means something, right? Basically I'm saying that "Most relationships CAN be salvaged, REGARDLESS of the situations!"
However, if you're able to execute the "Steps" correctly with the combination of Christmas' "Good Mood" factor, you'll certainly be one step closer to get your ex back, maybe not so fast, but this is certainly the "Perfect chance" to improve your chances to get back with an ex!
Read on as I share my experiences and some tips you could implement almost IMMEDIATELY
One Secret That I've Used To Get Back My Ex
Alright, so I've went through the hardest ways to get to where I am now, I can say I whole-heartedly understand your feelings Right Now, at this moment. I've been through the same pain, probably more..
And therefore I want to help you all out there that are still struggling, the tips from my own ends might not be helpful to All of you but I'm sharing it anyway...
If it had been some time since you've broken up with your ex, the first thing you'd probably want to do to improve your chances to get back with an ex is,
...To Reconnect Your Relationship With Your Ex
Sending Him/Her A Christmas CardHey, are you frowning there already? Well don't be! If it's any other occasion this might not work, but Christmas is a season whereby even some Non-Christian countries celebrate it because of the message it brings across -- Peace, Harmony.
Everyone will be very pleased and grateful that they receive a letter of blessings during this period no matter who sent it, and your ex might just call you up and say thanks!Now, don't be aggressive but do hint them that you'll be free around the Christmas corner, and see if they're up to a date.. It's so powerful that if you've done this correctly, you can skyrocket your chances to get back with an ex before Christmas with just this one step alone.
For now, I hope I've done a good job inspiring you on your chances to get back with an ex..
Improve Your Chances To Get Back With An Ex Before Christmas!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Will My Ex Come Back To Me? The Answer Lies Within You!
"Will my ex come back to me...?"...This is a common question that almost everyone is asking since long ago, even until now. Inevitably, everyone will have a "drop-down" point at least once in their life after breaking up with their loved ones.I totally understand your feelings right now, because I was once the same, so depressed, so hopeless..
I was wondering the same old questions night after night before I can hit the dream land, "Will my ex come back to me.. again?" "Will my ex contact me.. ever again?"Now, there is no definite answer for this. Just because it worked for me, I can't say it's guaranteed working for you too.
However, I have made this lens out of gratitude to help people that was once like me, in desperate moments, you will know the things that I do, and don't do to have my ex come back to me... within a month.
When Will My Ex Come Back To Me?
So are you ready yourself?
By saying this, I am actually asking are you mentally and physically prepared to get your ex back?
Yes I know, you only have a short period of time to make the most out of it after the break up, and every second counts. So instead of sulking around asking "Will my ex come back to me..?", the thing you'd want to do now, to Take Actions!
But wait, taking actions doesn't mean you going straight to them and beg your ex to come back. I've stepped on bombs before and hell I know how much more you are going to lose IF you take the wrong steps. Relationship is not a game, you can't "WIN" it, but you do need a plan. So will my ex come back to me if I plan my steps properly? I don't know, but hell yeah I'm sure that my chances increased ten folds because I'm able to anticipate the outcomes of my actions.
Will My Ex Come Back If I...
I have personally went through the bumps to get my ex back, there are things that you can do, that will increase your chances to get your ex back; things you can do, that brings no effect to the relationship; and things you do, that will instant-kill all your chances to bring your ex back!
So, will my ex come back to me, if I..
...Phone her every single day to say that I'm sorry?You bet they will.. NOT! This is the top listed mistakes that most people do almost everytime after the break up. Chances are, your ex will be irritated by this, they might even change the number for good, and you never get to contact them, ever!
...Meet her up outside her apartment without notifying?This is what most people do when their ex are screening-calls, and not picking up the phone. If they're not talking to you, what makes you think they will want to see you? Give your ex a break!
The Secrets On How Will My Ex Come Back To Me
Not to generalise, but I'm sure you've done things as mentioned above, or even something worse and that's why you are on my lens reading my story, aren't you?
Well, to be honest with you, there are no secrets techniques or magic spells when it comes to relationship. It's all simply the psychological thinking of human nature, and if you can understand what went wrong with your relationship, why'd they think in such a way, and stuff like that, you'd probably be living happily ever after already, isn't it so?
Well, it's not too late yet if you're on the verge of breaking up, or you already broke up with your ex.. If you'd ask me again, "Will my ex come back to me, even after all the things that happened?".I'd still give you the same old answer,
Will My Ex Come Back To Me?
Monday, November 3, 2008
How to Get Your Mind off Your Ex
The worst thing you can do is sit around moping and feeling sorry for yourself. You can make a difference doing something versus doing nothing at all. A Breakup happened for some reasons only you are in a position to know the reasons behind it. Take it as a wake up call and find out why your relationship failed. There is no point mopping over the past, instead take the opportunity to move on instead of letting the pain you feel rule your life without you being aware.

You should get together with friends you have and try your best to have fun when you are with your friends. It can be difficult to actually to pretend have a good time since the hurt is still very strong. Having a strong willpower is important for times like this and your attitude to succeed. You want to live your life and never let anyone stop you from doing so.
By getting into the public eye, you can get through the worst of the hurt. If your ex hears or sees you looking like you are leading a normal life again, then you get back some of your self-respect. It may make them think differently about you and may even see you in a completely different light. When you show your ex that you are not a doorstep and they aren’t your entire heart and soul, it gets them to thinking why they broke up with you in the first place and possibly reconsider this decision.
Take full advantage of getting together with your friends. You can focus your efforts on getting past the pain that you feel while your ex begins to contemplate the breakup. Combine this with several other tips will have them eating out of the palm of your hand. Before you know it, you’ll have the power to decide whether you want them back.
If you want to get your ex back, clear your head and your heart of any hurt you are feeling since the breakup occurred. This scenario works for both men and women.

How to Attract Your Ex Attention: Things That You Can Do
Chances are you’ve been searching for ways to assist you in getting them back and trying to catch their attention. The Internet has a vast source of articles geared towards helping you find those ways of achieving your goal.
One of the most important rules in breaking up and winning them back is to give your ex and yourself some time and space. When you are constantly near your ex, it doesn’t give you or them the time to miss each other. One of the reasons for the breakup was no doubt the need for distance from the other person. If you don’t give your ex the time they need to get over what is ailing them, you’ll end up hurting your chances of getting them back. Give them a month of time before contacting them again.

Now that you have cut off contact, it’s time to work on other issues regarding yourself. First, try to remember that life does keep going even if you don’t feel like it is. This means continue to live your life like you did before the breakup occurred or before you were in the relationship in the first place. Get dressed and go out of the house. Be with those who love and care about you such as friends and family. You want to have as much fun as possible even if you don’t feel up to having fun. Doing something fun helps to ease the hurt the breakup caused. If you look good while out in public, you can get some needed attention from members of the opposit
Now start to think about how you looke sex. This attention can help in rebuilding your self-esteem and your confidence. Who doesn’t like getting good attention?
First off, you are out on the town, you look good while being out on the town, have a group of friends nearby and attention from the opposite sex. Now, is your ex anywhere in the picture? Chances are that your ex probably thinks you should be sitting at home alone, crying for them to come back. If you act like you are having a good time and moving on with your life, chances are they’ll wonder why they let you go in the first place.
Most people really have no clue what they had in a relationship until that relationship is gone. If you can make them feel like they were never that important in your life, they’ll be thinking they were the loser for letting you go. They’ll want to get that relationship back.
Once you feel good about everything and the month has passed, you may be able to convince your ex that you’re worth the time and effort to have a relationship with. To get your ex attention doesn’t have to be doing the things like being forced; you need to be doing things you’re comfortable with.