The worst thing you can do is sit around moping and feeling sorry for yourself. You can make a difference doing something versus doing nothing at all. A Breakup happened for some reasons only you are in a position to know the reasons behind it. Take it as a wake up call and find out why your relationship failed. There is no point mopping over the past, instead take the opportunity to move on instead of letting the pain you feel rule your life without you being aware.

You should get together with friends you have and try your best to have fun when you are with your friends. It can be difficult to actually to pretend have a good time since the hurt is still very strong. Having a strong willpower is important for times like this and your attitude to succeed. You want to live your life and never let anyone stop you from doing so.
By getting into the public eye, you can get through the worst of the hurt. If your ex hears or sees you looking like you are leading a normal life again, then you get back some of your self-respect. It may make them think differently about you and may even see you in a completely different light. When you show your ex that you are not a doorstep and they aren’t your entire heart and soul, it gets them to thinking why they broke up with you in the first place and possibly reconsider this decision.
Take full advantage of getting together with your friends. You can focus your efforts on getting past the pain that you feel while your ex begins to contemplate the breakup. Combine this with several other tips will have them eating out of the palm of your hand. Before you know it, you’ll have the power to decide whether you want them back.
If you want to get your ex back, clear your head and your heart of any hurt you are feeling since the breakup occurred. This scenario works for both men and women.

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